Become a Member

By subscribing to Dikken el Mazraa, you are directly supporting the local economy by shopping (mostly but not exclusively) local products from small producers transitionning (or that have already transitioned) to sustainable and eco-friendly practices .

You will also have access to specialty products that are not widely available in the market, along with the possibility of being delivered and receiving weekly updates on available fresh products.

In addition, perhaps the most important aspect of subscribing and being a member is granting food security to members of the community with lower purchasing power or in vulnerable conditions.

If you are a member facing financial challenges, you can undergo our vulnerability assessment to qualify for discounts on your purchases.

Subscription Model

Becoming a member at Dikken El Mazraa is simple. Follow the steps below to begin your membership process!

Step 1:
Email us at with "Membership Request" in the subject line.
Once we receive your email, we will contact you to set up a meeting over zoom or in person at the shop.

Step 2:
During our meeting, we will ensure you gain a clear understanding of Dikken's mission, its history, and the challenges it faces.

If you are facing financial challenges and would like to become a member who benefits from discounts we will be sharing the "Vulnerability Questionnaire" with you to help us assess your profile.

After completing the questionnaire, we will be able to categorize you into one of our 3 member categories. Each category will be eligible to specific discounts while shopping from Dikken El Mazraa. The categories are:

Category A: Vulnerable member. Highest discounts.
Category B: Middle income members. Middle discount.
Category C: Least vulnerable members. No discount.

Step 3:
After the questionnaire is complete your membership will be activated upon making an annual donation of any amount of your choosing, starting at 10$/year.

Members benefits

Members all over Beirut can benefit from a delivery service.

Members receive weekly messages on fresh products available at the shop.

Members facing financial challenges get discounts on their purchases and when

they attend workshops.

A share of the profits generated by members' purchases are channeled to subsidize the discounts for vulnerable members.